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Are you ready with the answer?

March 1, 2017
What question stumped you in February? Did you thank the person who confounded you?
Here are the #Leadership #Coaching #Questions I asked on Twitter in February. Thank you to the clients, friends, authors and serendipity that inspired the questions. Notice which questions are productive for you and tell me where they take you. You can read more as I post them here. Enjoy the journey.

Has Lunch become your refuge?

If your career is a journey, which landmarks are you passing now?

Surprised, annoyed, questioned, playful, confused, bemused… yet this week?

Are you choosing to say "no" each intentional day you spend at work?

New week. new…?

Is today the day?

Who is your tribe?

Whose career are you blocking by not driving your own next move in the firm?

Feeling Overloaded?

How did that happen?

Can you be Serious?

How does your leadership style absorb complexity?

Do they know you would appreciate their feedback?

End of the week: Do you know yourself better now?

How do you make your work group work for everyone?

Which of your biases is holding you back right now?

What Questions will you have to answer next month?

Would you build it now, if it did not already exist?

How will you break down the silos in your organization?

Did a door just close?

Who is not being heard?

Do you look Intelligent?

What is an organization?

What are you reading now?

Can you allow 'good enough' to be the best outcome?

What's beneath your anger?

Who are you Mentoring now?

Can they answer the 5 Whys?

Bleisure is better than…?

What did you decide today? Hint: not deciding is a decision

Have you hired your fool yet?

Who judges your Authenticity?

Are your staff afraid of you?

What will your second act be?

Leader: who is your Legacy?

Who will help you change your professional behavior this week?

How often will you press the Door Close button today, and wait?

Were you a good follower today?

Are you doing meaningless work?

Whose life did you enrich today?

What Question could dissolve the problem you are facing this week?

Is this how to educate a leader?

What systems are you a member of?

Can you crash the Cliché today?

How many women have you mentored?

What do you plan for the sabbatical you promise yourself... and what do you suspect you would actually do with it?

What do you lose when you innovate?

What story do you tell about brand?

Which Relationship could you have transformed in the time you have spent on emails this morning?

Are your KPIs K enough to be useful?

How personal is your Personal Brand?

Where are you looking for presence?

How will your next project derail?

If you are still relying on the traditional interview to hire, how can you increase your chances?

Have you noticed your daily Rituals?

What could Slow Management look like?

Have you been a good leader this week?

Reflect on all the Micro Choices you made this week. To what were they Aligned?

How did your job reward you this week?

Who could benefit from knowing more about the problems you are wrestling with?

Does the Doubt outweigh the Decision?

What would make your team more diverse?

Can you describe what’s holding you back?

Is that a Super Hero sitting next to you?

What behavior will you role-model today?

How do you know that they understood you?

What have you written for your Intranet?

Are you struggling to inspire your people?

What Questions did you ask yourself last week?

Could neither or both be better options than the choice you have now?

Are you doing something that at least one other person thinks matters?

How are your HR colleagues preparing your business to win the future?

Is your choice of recruitment process limiting your choice of candidate?

Who are your Competitors‘ star performers?

Who will follow you in your Leadership role?

How does a like or a follow make you feel?

Are you a victim of the search for perfection?

What did you do yesterday to be the best manager in your firm?

What Career Path have you planned to make CFO?

In the Meeting, who sits nearest to the door?

Whose habits have you absorbed unintentionally?

Is your quick fix making a solution less likely?

Is a self-employed workforce a desirable future?

What new Strength have you discovered this week?

If you are not at the table, are you on the menu?

Do you feel your purpose more than you know it?

How is Leading Leaders different from leading others?

What data do you have to support your negative thought?

What was your ratio of Questions to Answers this week?

Is your Focus on the building, the bricks or the bill?

Are you planning for the world you live in or wish for?

Can you see your fingerprints on the culture around you?

How does your Problem look if you draw it without words?

Do you celebrate when your employees use Flexible Time?

What happens when you take off the rose-tinted spectacles?

Do they know that you notice when there are no exceptions?

Is your profile picture ‘smart’?

Are you using your Emotional Intelligence to manage stress?

How many seconds do you use to make your First Impression?

Do you really need to be an expert in this Administrivia?

What Question could make this week different from last week?

Is your Business Model so good that it cannot be questioned?

Who has gone before?

Are your staff bored?

Is you HR function driving Organizational Behavior strategies?

Does your SME have the Management Skills it needs to succeed?

Are you articulating the value of your objection when you say No?

Andrew Jones is an Executive Coach and Career Counselor. Please contact Andrew directly if you want to learn more about this topic.