Welcome to career coaching circles
Andrew's career coaching circles are designed for early-career professionals. Each circle is a group coaching format - a collaborative online workshop - in which Andrew will guide you to answer your questions about career development strategies and job search tactics; and where you can learn from the questions and answers of others.
Next public careers event
To join Andrew for his next public, online careers circle event please click this link for the latest schedule and joining details
Over the last eight years, Andrew has taught more than a thousand hours of careers workshops to post-graduate level students and coached countless professional on their career strategy and job search tactics.
Subscriber benefits
While you are a member you can join as many of Andrew's online careers workshops as you want, ask him your career questions privately, access the archive of prior circles and all the supporting materials & exercises. Click here for all the details.
Each circle has a theme, but you are welcome to raise any topic about job search and career development as an early-career professional. Andrew will shape the agenda for the circle based on the questions you post in advance. There will also be the opportunity to raise your questions spontaneously during the circle. We record the circles, so you can catch up on events you missed. Here are some of the topics we cover. Some are very popular like Interview Skills, Networking and Starting a New Job, so we cover them more often than others.