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Coaching Skills for Managers & Mentors

· Coaching

This is a living collection of resources that support my online and face-to-face Coaching Skills workshops for working professionals in Singapore and beyong, and my Strategic Human Resource Management programs. It includes all the resources I refer to in the workshops. The workshops focus on practical skills to run more useful learning conversations for direct managers, mentors or HR professionals.

Request the full archive of the workshop Coaching Skills for Leaders for CFA Singapore here.

Please contact me here if you would like to discuss how you may go further in this topic, watch my videos about how Executive Coaching can help you or Group Coaching can accelerate your team's effectiveness.

“Coaching is a method of work-related learning which relies primarily on one-to-one conversations. The two colleagues in the coaching conversation have different roles. The Coach is focused on facilitating the Coachee’s learning and development process. As such, the Coach’s primary concern is that the Coachee takes care of him or herself. The Coach may be a more experienced colleague, an outside professional with the same expertise as the Coachee, or an outside adviser who is experienced primarily in coaching professionals…” Erik de Haan & Yvonne Berger - Coaching with Colleagues





If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together. An old African proverb

Andrew Jones is an Executive Coach and Career Counselor. Please contact Andrew directly to learn more about this topic or subscribe below to hear more from Andrew in the future.