Heraclitus, the Greek Philosopher, wrote that “change is the only constant in life”. The disruptions to the working world brought on by Covid-19 have only accelerated the changes we face each day: changes that call on us to innovate rapidly in our personal and professional lives.
This resource list originated in the design of a 2021 workshop for the University of Manchester, where Andrew shared some insights from current research and industry practice. How can we manage ourselves and our teams to succeed in such an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world? How do we respond to the practical opportunities and threats that the responses to COVID19 thrust towards us?
Please contact me here if you would like to discuss how you may go further in this topic, watch my videos about how Executive Coaching can help you or Group Coaching can accelerate your team's effectiveness.
The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.
Nicholas Sparks