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Speaking & Confidence

July 29, 2018

This is a living collection of resources that I share with my Personal Effectiveness MBA class and

Coaching clients for developing public speaking, presentation skills, executive presence & confidence.

Please contact me here if you would like to discuss how you may go further in this topic, watch my videos about how Executive Coaching can help you or Group Coaching can accelerate your team's effectiveness.

Please use the comments section at the foot of the page to suggest resources you have found useful on this topic and I'll add them for the benefit of others.

‘There is no lack of readers and listeners; it is for us to produce something worth being written and heard.’ — Pliny the Younger






I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

Andrew Jones is an Executive Coach and Career Counselor. Please contact Andrew directly to learn more about this topic or subscribe below to hear more from Andrew in the future.